Building Short-term Crop Pest Management Model with Long-term Weather Forecast Data
Establishing Pest Moth Monitoring System to Reduce Pest Control Costs and Crop Losses
本計畫進行為氣象客製化資訊應用於農業之研究,以十字花科蔬菜之重要害蟲小菜蛾及夜蛾類害蟲為對象,採用性費洛蒙監測陷阱,定期收集調查田間成蟲發生密度資料,搭配氣象資訊及長期氣象預報資料(如每日最高溫、每日最低溫、每日均溫、日平均濕度及 每日累積雨量客製化預報資料)建立小菜蛾及重要夜蛾類害蟲發生及危害風險分析模式。目的在以網格化之氣象資料,配合昆蟲族群動態模擬,嘗試模擬在已知的氣象條件下害蟲可能發生之狀況,以建立害蟲發生之預報體系,強化蟲害管理。
In this research project, customized weather information is applied to agricultural pest control. Regular monitoring data of adult insect density in the field is collected by using pheromone traps to monitor diamondback and nocturnal moths, major insect pests of the cruciferous vegetable family. To establish a pest risk analysis model of the moths, the monitoring data is then integrated with climate information and customized long-term weather forecast data . The combination of weather raster data and insect population dynamics simulation technique aims to simulate pest situations under specific weather conditions so as to establish a pest forecasting system that enhances pest management.